'The authors present a thought-provoking analysis of the current state of Europe's system of human rights protection and the challenges facing it. Its originality lies in the fact that it compares in a single book the various human rights standards and mechanisms emanating from the Council of Europe and the European Union.' Jörg Polakiewicz, Legal Adviser, Council of Europe
'This monograph, one of the first comprehensive book-length studies of Europe's two principal human rights systems, is a valuable resource for those interested in the broader picture of human rights in Europe. The comparative analysis in the concluding chapter on the institutionalisation of human rights by these two systems, on the achievements and challenges facing each, and on the nature of the relationship between the two, is particularly interesting.' Gráinne de Búrca, Florence Ellinwood Allen Professor of Law, New York University Law School
'This excellent and important book describes human rights protection in Europe. Crucially, however, it also explains and compares the achievements of the Council of Europe and the EU in the human rights field - this makes it almost unique in its scope. In this way, it will prove an essential guide to the complexities of European human rights law - invaluable to practitioners, scholars and students.' Sionaidh Douglas-Scott, Anniversary Chair in Law, Queen Mary University of London