'This book goes much further than a 'how-to' guide. By providing a liturgical theology for all-age worship, it does the Church a great and much-needed service. Churches and worship planners up and down the land, when inspired by the informed creativity of this resource, will be better equipped to construct multi-dimensional, meaningful and engaging times of all-age worship.'
- Tim Lomax,
"The seasons of the Christian year are 'windows' through which we can view the great themes of faith. Together for a Season offers the all-age church of today exciting and creative ways of using these themes to build worship that will form and transform the people of God."
- The Revd Peter Moger,
"This impressive book provides a wealth of 'stand-alone' material for Advent, Christmas and Epiphany, and fresh ideas to breathe new life into worship. With service outlines, clear and accessible liturgy, talks and craft ideas, this is simply a really great resource."
- Nick Harding,
'Together for a Season offers a huge wealth of symbols, visual presentations and new prayers to fire the imagination and unite people of all ages in worship. It lifts Common Worship off the page and takes it to a new place.'
- Rev. Mark Pilgrim, Chair of Bristol Diocese's Worship and Liturgy Committee, Vicar of St Peter's, Henleaze, Bristol, and Srea Dean of Bristol West Deanery,