"Futurist as provocateur! The world is sheer bat-shit genius...a truly hallucinatorily envisioned environment." -- William Gibson, New York Times bestselling and award-winning author "Tropic of Kansas is the tale of a politically desperate USA haunted by a sullen, feral teen who is Huck Finn, Conan and Tarzan. Because it's Chris Brown's own imaginary America, this extraordinary novel is probably more American than America itself will ever get." -- Bruce Sterling, award winning author of Islands in the Net and Pirate Utopia "This stunning novel of a time all too easily imaginable as our own highlights a few of the keen-voiced, brave-souled women and men who balance like subversive acrobats on society's whirling edges...Read it to burn with the joy of realistic hope." -- Nisi Shawl, Tiptree-award winning author of EVERFAIR and WRITING THE OTHER "A unique blend of Philip K. Dick, Kafka (just a smidgen), and a whole lot of Christopher Brown. Adventure novel meets political satire and the finest elements of realistic sci-fi, and it's so well written it goes down like a greased eel. It's hopeful dystopia. What a book." -- Joe R. Lansdale, author of the Hap and Leonard series "Tropic of Kansas is savvy political thriller meets ripping pulp adventure-a marriage made in page-turning, thought-provoking heaven. It's a vision both frighteningly prescient and already too real, and a story of valiant heart and brain up against the worst architectures of greed and power." -- Jessica Reisman, SESFA award-winning author of SUBSTRATE PHANTOMS "[A] real page turner." -- Gavin J. Grant, Bram Stoker Award-winning editor and author